Patient’s Choice Conference. New quality in the area of patients’ nutrition.

29th of September 2023, The University Hospital in Krakow


Days Day


Hours Hour


Minutes Minute


Seconds Second

About the event

We connect professionals and knowledge - discover the objective and framework of our conference

‘Patient’s choice’ is a message aimed at encouraging directors and managers of hospitals as well as doctors and dietitians to look at patient’s nutrition from the perspective of new possibilities, European trends in the area of health protection and needs of the patients. This topic highlights patient’s crucial role in the nutritional process as well as the need to concentrate on the patient’s preferences and well-being.


Cooperation of knowledge and innovation - together we shape the future of hospital nutrition

At our conference, we will showcase the effects of cooperation between hospital directors, nutrition and dietetics experts, food technologists and providers of new technologies which was aimed at creating innovative solution which makes it possible for patients to choose meals and for hospitals to enhance the quality of care.

Why is it worth it to attend

Why you cannot miss it?

In Poland, patients' nutrition is a topic we hardly talk about. It is high time to change that!

Innovation in nutrition

You will get acquainted with innovations objective of which is to improve the efficiency, quality and safety of meals production and distribution in hospitals. All this while keeping the costs sustainable.

Knowledge within your grasp

Our speakers are experts in various areas who will share their knowledge and experience concerning the newest trends, research and practices. We will discuss key issues related to collective nutrition of patients in Polish hospitals.

Develop your network of contacts

Our conference will be a perfect opportunity to exchange experience, discuss and cooperate, which in turn will assist you in creating innovative solutions for patients nutrition and will improve hospital nutrition care.

Supporting changes

You will receive support, knowledge and valuable pieces of practical advice which will help you to achieve success as far as changing the approach to collective nutrition is concerned.

Inspiring discussions

It will be possible for you to participate actively - ask questions, share your experience and conclusions.

Map of the conference - get to know the schedule

10:00 - 11:10

Registration and beginning of the conference

10:00 - 11:00

Registration and coffee

After registering and collecting your conference materials we invite you to coffee and refreshments. It will be a great opportunity to relax and talk to other participants while waiting for the event to begin.
11:00 - 11:10

Welcoming the participants and invited guests

11:00 - 13:30

Session I - Hospital friendly to patient’s nutrition - reality or dream?

11.10 - 11.40

Gray or colorful? How does nutrition care in Polish hospitals look like and how it could look like?

• POV of clinical nutrition team - Karolina Piotrowicz, MD, PhD Anna Rudzińska, MA - Ward of Internal Medicine and Geriatry of The University Hospital in Krakow
• POV of dietician - Grzegorz Kostelecki, MD - Chairman of Polish Dietetics Association
11.40 – 12.00

Customized nutrition - what are the patients’ expectations

Magdalena Kołodziej, MY Pacjenci Foundation
12.00 - 12.20

Quality in nutrition care and image of the hospital

Sebastian Drobczyński, PR and Image Expert
12.20 - 12.40

Safety of the meals prepared in accordance with Cook&Chill technology

Prof. Ewa Czarniecka-Skubina, PhD. - Head of the Department for Catering Technology and Food Hygiene, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)
12.40 - 13.00

Patients’ nutrition - why is it so important?

Lukasz Maraszek, Head of Catering Line, Rekeep Poland
13.00 - 13.20

Financing meals for hospital patients and public procurement

Katarzyna Brukało, PhD, Silesian Medical University
13.20 - 13.30


13.30 - 14.20


Lunch will constitute an occasion to taste dishes and desserts prepared in accordance with Cook&Chill technology
14.30 - 16.00

Session II - Nutritional services in hospital - how is it done around the world?

14.30 - 14.40


Brief introduction to the session during which European experts will present practical dimension of patients’ nutrition in hospitals they are representatives of
14.40 - 15.25

Case study - Experience and good practices from European hospitals

14.45 - 15.10

Case study - Austria

Markus Wille, Tirol Kliniken
15.10 - 15.35

Case study - United Kingdom

Iain Clarke, The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust
15.35 - 16.00

Cook&Chill – pieces of experience from implementing the technology in Europe and the first Cook&Chill project in Poland

Manfred Ronge, Ronge&Partner, Austria
15.45 - 16.00


16.00 - 16.15

Coffee break

16.15 - 17.30

Can Polish patients eat just like in the American movies?

Moderated expert panel and discussion with participation of the audience
20.00 - 01.00

Concert and banquet in the Kazimierz district.

Invitation-only admittance

Eksperci i pasjonaci - poznaj prelegentów

dr Katarzyna Brukało

Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny
Zakład Polityki Zdrowotnej, Wydział Zdrowia Publicznego. Ekspert European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians.

dr Karolina Piotrowicz

Szpital Uniwersytecki w Krakowie
Oddział Chorób Wewnętrznych i Geriatrii Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie

Jan Kowalski

CEO rekeep
Krótki opis, najważniejsze informacje o prelegencie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adisciping elit.

Anna Kowalska

CEO rekeep
Krótki opis, najważniejsze informacje o prelegencie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adisciping elit.

Jan Kowalski

CEO rekeep
Krótki opis, najważniejsze informacje o prelegencie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adisciping elit.

Anna Kowalska

CEO rekeep
Krótki opis, najważniejsze informacje o prelegencie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adisciping elit.

Jan Kowalski

CEO rekeep
Krótki opis, najważniejsze informacje o prelegencie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adisciping elit.

Anna Kowalska

CEO rekeep
Krótki opis, najważniejsze informacje o prelegencie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adisciping elit.

Jan Kowalski

CEO rekeep
Krótki opis, najważniejsze informacje o prelegencie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adisciping elit.

Anna Kowalska

CEO rekeep
Krótki opis, najważniejsze informacje o prelegencie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adisciping elit.
Hospital nutrition

The New Era of Hospital Nutrition - Discover an Innovative Solution

Meal selection – the key to satisfaction of the patient

Meal selection is crucial in terms of patients being satisfied with their hospital stay. Offering the possibility to choose his meals to the patient can have po......

Hospital meals – why are they so important?

Correct nutrition plays a key role in the treatment process. Adequate diet provides a patient with the appropriate amount of nutrients such as proteins, carbohy......

Cook&Chill explained…

Cook&Chill is a technology of meal preparation which entails cooking the dishes and subsequently cooling them down fast and storing them in low temperature.......

Honorary Patronage


Patronat Merytoryczny


Media Patronage


Find answers - FAQ

In order to register to the conference you have to fill an application form. You can open it by clicking the yellow button at the top of the website ‘Register’
In case it should not be possible to register through online application system please contact us via phone - : +48 669 901 992 or e-mail:

The latest moment to register for the conference is 2 days before the event and or when the limit of the available spots is met.

Yes, there is a limit to participation spots, that is why we ask everyone not to postpone registration.

After the limit for the participation in Cracow is met, or when there is huge interest, the organiser will launch a live broadcast.

Conference materials will be provided exclusively to those participants who participate stationary in the conference. Due to the fact that there is a limit to participation spots, we encourage everyone to register as fast as possible.

Yes. There will be a simultaneous interpretation of the conference.

Language of the I Session and the Expert Panel is Polish. Lectures during this session as well as the discussion during the Expert Panel will be interpreted into English.

Language of the II Session is English. Lectures during this session will be interpreted into Polish.

Yes. There will be coffee breaks and lunch available to participants.

Lunch, beverages and refreshments are served free of charge.

It is free to participate in the conference.

Yes. We encourage everyone to actively participate in the conference and ask questions to the speakers.

Invitations will be granted to every other person up until the spots limit is met. In case of such an invitation-registration, the organisers shall contact such participant via e-mail in order to confirm acceptance of the invitation.


Contact details and location of the conference

Call us:

+48 669 901 992

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It is free to participate in the conference There is a limit to available spots.
Sign up and ensure one for yourself!

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